I had a beautiful and unique experience in my photography career last weekend, involving loss, love and healing. I'm a Family and Newborn photographer in Medicine Hat but this special session took me to my hometown of Lethbridge, AB.
My dear friend, Terri Ann, lost her beloved Wheaten Terrier, Danni, a few months back. As those of you with family pets know, it was a hard blow to the family dynamic. Danni had been a part of the family since she was a puppy and in the lives of Terri Ann's twin boys since birth. Everyone was incredibly sad over the loss and struggled getting used to life without their pet and the built-in routine a dog brings to a home.

I know Terri Ann took the loss the hardest. She was grieving over Danni and her beautiful heart was broken. A couple of months past when she happened to bump into the daughter of the breeder they had got Danni from, and was informed a new litter of pups had just been delivered. She decided to go take a look and that's when the clouds parted and a new love with a wet nose pawed her way into their hearts. She was to be named, Olive.

Terri Ann asked if I'd be interested in photographing a newborn puppy session to document their newest family member and I got so excited about the idea. I'd never done an entire session around a pet before so the experience was definitely not to be passed up.
Since Olive was an active and growing puppy we knew there would be a lot of movement so we decided a lifestyle session approach would work best. I wanted to document Olive the same way I like to document children, surrounded by their favourite things and favourite people. We started with her in her kennel and playing in the living room.

Then we moved her up to Terri Ann's bed where I asked the two of them to just snuggle and play and love on each other. These photos are my favourite from the session. It felt like I was witnessing the mending of a broken heart. The shots are playful but oh so tender and overflowing with love.

Next we had some fun playing dress up. Terri Ann had two ridiculously cute puppy outfits and these photos are just too sweet for words.

Finally, I wanted to capture her boys with their new best friend doing what dogs and boys do best...playing! It was a beautiful day so we moved outside and I asked them to horse around and have fun together while not paying any attention to me. The joy in these photos speak for themselves.

This precious pup has helped mend hearts and revive a grieving family.

Danni will always be dearly missed, but little Olive has made their world bright again. If you may be interested in a lifestyle photo session for your family please view my Session Information.
